Here is a list of people of whom I think the sum of their insights and wisdoms bring a way forward for stalled discussions. Think of racism, gender, information overkill, personal development and so on.
Sam Harris
Jordan Peterson
Gabor Maté
Susan Sontag
Dave Chapelle
Kate Shinha (Kirac)
Ricky Gervais
Dave and Shannon Powers (OPS)
Steven Fry
Lidewij Edelkoort
Jerry Saltz
Esther Perel
Jon Stewart
Sarah Silverman
Some people on the list have served me enough, I lose interest in them. Others appear. Like Rory Sutherland and Ayishat Akanbi.
Here are some new names:
Rick Rubin
Trevor Noah
Ayishat Akanbi
Fran Lebowitz
James Baldwin
Alex O’Conner
Richard Dawkins
Christopher Eric Hitchens
Alan Watts
Dr. Alok Kanojia
Grace Blakeley